
Luna Nguyen is an artist, art teacher and fashion designer. She moved to the Netherlands in the middle of the Corona period. At the time, she couldn’t travel outside the home, so she created online classes, including 2 painting classes and 2 cooking classes, which can be found on the Udemy and Skillshare websites.

Her art journey started 9 years ago in 2015. Back then, she traveled to Indonesia to learn the art of silk painting. She specializes in painting fabrics including natural silk, cotton, linen and synthetic fabrics such as polyester, acrylic, spandex and more. Sometimes the finishing touch of enchanting embroidery is added.

Since Luna moved to Almere, she started to develop the art of portrait painting and realistic paintings. Her favorite artists are Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Rembrandt van Rijn, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Some of her clients include Chanel, Business Gulf Training Center, Skilldeer, Udemy, Skillshare, Pursue It, Sharjah University of Art, Bradenton Preparatory Academy in Dubai, Ateliers Westerdok Art Center Amsterdam, Florence Academy of Art Sweden, Kleur in Cultuur, Cultuurhuis Almere Buiten, The New Library Almere and many other art academies and centers in Asia, the Middle East and Europe.

Over the past 2 years, Luna has taught hundreds of children at various schools, community centers and kindergartens in Almere. She recently opened her own Atelier in Almere Stad in November 2023, where she continues to teach regular drawing and painting classes to children, as well as other arts and crafts workshops to adults.

Luna loves art and teaching. She believes that knowledge is not the same without sharing and continuously learning and developing her skills and does her best to guide her students, learn to create, enjoy the process and achieve their creative goals.

Luna lives and travels between Vietnam and the Netherlands teaching art and cooking classes and looks forward to collaborating with art lovers and like-minded makers.

‘Exceptional Silk Painting Teacher!
I had the privilege of learning batik and silk painting from Ms. Luna Nguyen and I can confidently say it was a transformative experience. Under her guidance, I created my first artwork with remarkable precision and skill. Her dedication to her craft is unparalleled, and her teaching style is both inspiring and motivating.

Not only did Ms. Luna teach me the techniques of silk painting, but she also instilled in me a sense of confidence and creativity. Her encouragement and support pushed me to exhibit my artwork at an art exhibition, where it received an overwhelming amount of appreciation.

What sets Ms. Luna apart is her ability to not only teach the art form but also provide valuable insights into turning it into a lucrative business. She shared invaluable business ideas and strategies, showing me how to monetize my passion for silk painting.

I am incredibly grateful to Ms. Luna for her mentorship and guidance. She is not just a teacher but a mentor who genuinely cares about her students’ success. If you’re looking to explore the world of silk painting or turn it into a profitable venture, I highly recommend learning from Ms. Luna Nguyen. She is truly exceptional!’

– Smitha Lijo

Ik heb inmiddels bij Luna meerdere workshops mogen volgen. Mijn favoriet was toch wel de Batik Art Class die ze in haar prachtige studio heeft gegeven. Luna is ontzettend vriendelijk, is erg creatief, wil je ontzettend graag helpen en neemt ook echt de tijd voor je. Ze heeft echt een gave om iedereen te begeleiden, ongeacht of je een complete beginner bent of dat je al veel ervaring hebt in een specifieke kunstvorm. Het is zeker de moeite waard om er een dagje Almere van te maken (ook als je niet in de buurt woont)! De tijd vliegt zeker te weten voorbij!’

– Leanne Snoek

Ik ben ongelooflijk onder de indruk van het Luna Nguyen Atelier. Als ouder zoek ik altijd naar creatieve en educatieve activiteiten voor mijn kinderen en de tekenlessen hier hebben onze verwachtingen overtroffen. De lerares is zeer deskundig en communiceert goed met de kinderen, waardoor ze zich op hun gemak en geïnspireerd voelen. De sfeer in het atelier is warm en uitnodigend, wat een perfecte omgeving creëert voor jonge kunstenaars om te leren en te groeien. Mijn kinderen kijken elke week uit naar hun les en hebben door deze lessen een echte passie voor tekenen ontwikkeld. Een absolute aanrader voor ouders die hun kinderen willen ondersteunen in hun creatieve ontwikkeling!’

– Artem Langavy

‘Dit was mijn eerste keer dat ik meedeed met de workshop. Wat een bijzondere ervaring. Luna neemt de tijd om iedereen aandacht te geven. Ze is een kundige docent, ze heeft het gelijk door als je vastloopt en weet opnieuw te motiveren en in je kracht te zetten. De sfeer was heel rustgevend en harmonieus. Er was ruimte en aandacht voor iedereen van de groep. Ik ben onder de indruk! Een ervaring om nooit meer te vergeten en om zeker terug te komen. Bedankt lieve Luna!’
– Candita Bruinendael

I have been traveling with Luna for a couple of years now. She was my son’s art teacher during after school activities. My son just enjoys her class and we reached out to her if she would take some classes outside school as well and luckily she opened her own art studio and I had a place for my son. I feel safe and happy in her art studio, she is very warm and very very honest about her students. She is definitely an inspiration for my son in his art journey.’

– Kokilaa Janakiraman