
Live Abstract Painting Event

Saturday, 7th July 2024 (12:00 – 17:00) at “2nd time Connecting People on the Esplanade, Almere Stad” in collaboration with Almere Centrum. 

Join me for an exciting live painting event this September! I’ll be creating abstract art in public on a huge piece of fabric 1,5m breed and 7m length, and you’re invited to witness the creative process up close. 

This event is free of charge and a great opportunity to enjoy some artistic inspiration. As a special thank you for attending, each guest will receive a hand-painted white t-shirt by me to bring home. 

Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply looking for a fun, unique experience, this event is perfect for all ages. Come and be part of the vibrant art community, meet fellow art lovers, and take home a one-of-a-kind wearable piece of art!

See you there!

Kimonos Fashion Catwalk

Sunday, 29th September 2024 (15:00 – 16:00) at the Kunstmarkt, as part of the Uitfestival. The art market is on Schutterstraat, Almere Stad.

You’re invited to an enchanting Kimonos Fashion Catwalk by Luna Nguyen, showcasing stunning Japanese-inspired designs! 

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon show where you’ll experience the elegance of beautifully crafted modern kimonos, vibrant textile designs, exquisite handmade earrings, and stylish beads handbags, all complemented by authentic Geisha style makeup. 

In this fashion show Luna Nguyen is not only showing her innovative kimonos but also collaborating with other artists and makers to showcase their work.

This event is free of charge, offering you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and artistry. Come and witness the seamless blend of traditional and contemporary fashion in an exciting and captivating setting. 

Don’t miss out on this extraordinary celebration of Japanese fashion and Vietnamese craftsmanship!

We are looking forward to seeing you there!